Antonyms for put on

Antonyms for (verb) put on

Main entry: gain, put on

Definition: increase (one's body weight)

Usage: She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising

Antonyms: reduce, slenderize, slim, slim down, thin, melt off, lose weight

Definition: take off weight

Antonyms for (adj) put on

Main entry: assumed, false, fictitious, fictive, sham, put on, pretended

Definition: adopted in order to deceive

Usage: an assumed name; an assumed cheerfulness; a fictitious address; fictive sympathy; a pretended interest; a put-on childish voice; sham modesty

Antonyms: genuine, echt

Definition: not fake or counterfeit

Antonyms: nonimitative

Definition: not marked by or given to imitation

Visual thesaurus for put on